
Our journey began with a powerful insight: memories are the fabric of our lives, and every milestone deserves recognition. This realization led to the creation of MKE Custom Design, where we pour our passion into crafting custom wall art that tells the unique stories of our customers’ lives and achievements.

As our business has grown, we’ve been moved by the gratitude of those who receive our personalized gifts. These artworks serve as tangible reminders of cherished moments, bringing joy and inspiration to those who hold them close.

Recognizing a need in the sports community, we launched MKE Fundraiser to support teams, players, coaches, and families in their athletic endeavors. We’re committed to revolutionizing the fundraising experience, offering a seamless, hassle-free solution through our website.

With MKE Fundraiser, ordering custom products is easy, and delivery is quick. No more waiting weeks for low-quality merchandise or dealing with complex order collections. Our mission is clear: to provide high-quality, personalized artworks that honor achievements and inspire pride for players, friends, and family members alike.

Why host a fundraiser with us?

Hosting a fundraiser with MKE Fundraiser means you’ll get quality custom products and earn a portion of the sales. Depending on your needs, each sale can contribute $2 to $25 or more. Plus, those buying our products will have a lasting memory of your organization’s good times.

How do I get my products?

You can choose to have products shipped directly to buyers for convenience. Alternatively, we can deliver them directly to your organization for easy distribution.